Friday, January 20, 2006

The real reason Bush jr stole the 2000 election?

Are the Bin Laden audio tapes authentic?

Dublin's maternity hospitals are being clogged up by large numbers of women- some of whom are pregant! :)

Chomsky on Prime Time last night

Mark Little's 'interview' ( and I use the term interview in the loosest sense of the word) was nothing but a disgrace to journalism. Little displayed ignorance that one would expect to see from a Fox or Sky News stenographer constantly interrupting and talking over Chomsky.
It was obvious he was not familiar with Chomskys work and had done f all research. He choose to centre on what critics think of Chomskys work and wasted some amount of time trying to get NC to call Bertie Ahern a war criminal!
Here's a link to the interview if you have some time to waste

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Bin Laden warns US of new attacks but offers truce

Why an Economic Boycott of Israel is Justified

'War on Terror' Creates Terrorists

William Rivers Pitt: The New Fascism

Fire at the Centre for Public Inquiry!

A fire broke out in a training room at the CPI this morning. Fortunately no one was injured and no serious damage was done as the fire was contained very quickly.
Reports of a bald man with glasses and a box of matches in hand running from the scene are so far unsubstantiated.

Organ retention scandal

14,000 pituitary glands from the bodies of babies sold to pharma
companies from 1970-1985.

And what do we get?

A report that took 6 years and €20m to complete.
No compensation for the families. No doctors or individuals singled out.
The Department of Health were aware of the sale of the organs since 1976 but “no concern was raised regarding the issue of consent” at any stage!
Blamed on a 'lack of communication' between doctors and the grieving families!

But they did get an apology from the Tanaiste. How nice of her to do that as we all know how hard it is for a politician to apologise for anything. Bless her!

A Tribute to Iraqi Ingenuity

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Iran Has an 'Inalienable Right' to Nuclear Energy

Blair denies Britain is a police state :) satire

Chomsky in Dublin

For those of you out there who were unable to get tickets(quite a lot I would imagine given the demand) to any of the Chomsky appearances you'll be glad to hear that UCD will be shortly putting a webcast recording of his talk on "Democracy Promotion: Reflections on Intellectuals and the State"

Also he will be interviewd by Eamon Dunphy on the Newstalk 106 Breakfast show at 8am tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

ICH: Bush Has Crossed the Rubicon

ICH: Dusting off the Brown-shirts and Jackboots

Monday, January 16, 2006

Samuel Alito Withdraws from Supreme Count Consideration, Bush to Take His Place :)

Ralf Dahrendorf: Free Speech on Trial

Muhammad Habash:Islam’s Fanatical 1%

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Chomsky: 'There Is No War On Terror'

Deja Vu

President Bush, 1/13/06: "Iran, armed with a nuclear weapon, poses a grave threat to the security of the world."

President Bush 10/7/02: "Tonight I want to take a few minutes to discuss a grave threat to peace... The threat comes from Iraq... It is seeking nuclear weapons."

How long before there's a Whitehouse Iran Group setup??

The swiftboating of Murtha

So the radical right start to question the character of decorated Marine who is critical of the Whitehouse. As usual if they don't like the message they attack the messenger!
From the Huff Po:
The Huffington Post has learned the Bush administration recently asked high ranking military leaders to denounce Congressman John Murtha. Congressman Murtha has called for the Bush Administration to withdraw US troops from Iraq.